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According to the NHS, as of 2021, 17% (1 in 6) 6 to 16 year olds experience one or more mental disorders.
Anxiety and uncertainty are a normal part of growing up as children and young people face experiences and challenges that they may not have come across before. However, when these feelings of worry or stress start to creep into the everyday or stop your child from engaging in activities that they used to enjoy, then this may be a sign that they are experiencing anxiety and could use a little extra support.
Please note: Anxiety UK does not provide 1-1 therapy to children or young people under the age of 18.
Please note: this service is currently on hold due to high demand.
Our ‘Helping your Child’ Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based programme is designed to give parents the skills needed to support their child and is suitable for children aged from 5 to 12.
Anxiety UK is a national registered charity formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher, for those affected by anxiety and anxiety disorders.
To read more, please click here.
We do not tolerate rude, abusive, offensive, racist or sexist language. Any contact received with content deemed offensive, abusive, racist, sexist etc. will not be responded to as we operate a zero tolerance policy to abuse of any form. Legal action will be considered/taken if appropriate. For more information click here.
Download a copy of our environmental policy here.
Anxiety UK, Nunes House, 447 Chester Road, Manchester M16 9HA
See our FAQs here
Press/media enquiries: [email protected]
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