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Katharine and Harold Fisher anxiety research fund

Anxiety UK Research logo

Over the years, Anxiety UK has supported researchers with a range of research projects from assisting with participant recruitment through to collaborating directly on research projects focused on improving treatment and services for people experiencing anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression. We are keen to develop and expand our interest and support for research into such conditions and, in 2015, launched the ‘Katharine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund’, named after the charity’s founders.Anxiety UK in its furtherance of supporting research into anxiety. Since this time, the charity has supported a range of research projects.

The Katharine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund is currently closed for applications until January 2026
Current award recipients

In 2023, Anxiety UK commissioned research on anxiety and physical health conditions see:    

A copy of the final report can be downloaded here

Previous award recipients

2022 – Anxiety UK’s Art for Anxiety Relief (AfAR) course

The 5th year’s fund recipient, Dr Faye Sayer, Assistant Professor in History and Heritage and colleagues at the University of Birmingham, undertook research into our creative arts-based course, Art for Anxiety Relief (AfAR),  demonstrating its benefits  in the management of anxiety. Download the final report here: Anxiety UK Art for Anxiety Relief Evaluation Report.

A copy of the paper published in Arts & Health, an International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, can be downloaded here.

2020-2021 – Anxiety UK’s psychological therapy services

The 4th year’s fund recipient undertook research into Anxiety UK’s psychological therapy services, resulting in a paper published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, which can be read here. We’ve also produced a blog summarising the key findings, which can be read here.

2019-2020 – Amy Blakemore of the University of Manchester

The 3rd year fund recipient was Dr Amy Blakemore of the University of Manchester who undertook a research project into Fight Anxiety: a pilot study to investigate the  feasibility and acceptability of  the ‘Fight Anxiety Boxing for Fitness Programme’ for people experiencing anxiety. A copy of the final report can be downloaded here.

2017-18 – Richard Collier of Newcastle Law School

The 2nd year fund recipient was Professsor. Richard Collier of Newcastle Law School who completed a research project into anxiety in junior lawyers. Further details of the study can be read here. A copy of Executive summary can be downloaded here and a copy of the full final report can be downloaded here.

2015-16 – Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham

The Institute of Mental Health was the first research team to successfully secure funding from Anxiety UK’s ‘Katharine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund’ to further develop peer support training for people with Anxiety. This exciting research project started in October 2015 and aimed at furthering understanding into what peer support should look like for people unable to attend traditional face to face groups or training because of anxiety. A summary of the report can be read here and the full report hereFurther details of the Institute of Mental Health’s project can be read here.