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Anxiety UK participation group

The Anxiety UK Participation Group is for people who want to be involved in the work we do on a voluntary basis. As our office is based in Manchester, we often rely on the participation group to attend events on our behalf, get involved in media work and many other projects.

About the role

Our national participation group  is a group of volunteers who volunteer their time in a variety of ways, helping with tasks such as:

  1. Undertaking book, app or other product reviews
  2. Attending events
  3. Contributing to media requests
  4. Providing feedback on new or existing Anxiety UK services

You will be able to indicate which areas of interest you would like to participate in. We also ask for your personal information to help allocate appropriate tasks.

Please fill in the form below to become an Anxiety UK Participation Group volunteer

Help others by providing advice and support to those in need.