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Nutrition and anxiety

There is now over-whelming evidence to support the fact that gut microbes (collectively called the microbiota) have a major impact on our brains and our behaviour, especially in stress related disorders such as anxiety.

In this helpful booklet the various components of a healthy diet in relation to stress are examined. Overall it seems reasonable to conclude that those living with anxiety should be encouraged to enhance a plant-based diet with a high content of grains /fibres and fish. Such a diet will promote the development of an optimal microbiota and hopefully better mental health.

Purchase your copy here.

Nutrition and Anxiety
Nigh tim eating

Research highlights shift workers meal times affect mood

Shift workers account for up to 20 percent of the workforce in industrial societies and are directly responsible for many hospital services, factory work, and other essential services. Shift workers often experience circadian misalignment, the misalignment between their central circadian clock in the brain and daily behaviours, such as sleep/wake and fasting/eating cycles. Importantly, they also have a 25 to 40 percent higher risk of anxiety.

Read more about this research here