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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT involves examining your thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns, and working out ways to remove yourself from these negative cycles. It mainly focuses on present concerns but certain CBT approaches can also address earlier traumatic memories that may contribute to your anxiety.

CBT is very practical and your therapist may set you exercises such as thought journalling and different behavioural experiments as well as asking you to complete homework to supplement the discussions you have in the sessions. You will learn strategies that can be used in everyday life to manage your anxiety, even after your treatment has finished.

A course of CBT will be around 6-15 sessions. As everyone is different you require more sessions, in which case your therapist will discuss this with you and their clinical supervisor to determine the best way forward. Each session will usually last around 50-60 minutes and will typically be held on a weekly basis.

CBT is available through Anxiety UK face to face, via the telephone or via webcam.

Anxiety UK Approved Therapists that offer CBT have a Diploma or higher qualification in CBT (including a dual Diploma in CBT/REBT).