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Home New Forums General Discussion Managing GAD & OCD without medication Reply To: Managing GAD & OCD without medication


Hello, I’m new here and am interested in this thread. I’ve had anxiety since I was 12 and recently was diagnosed with GAD after my third breakdown in 3 years. Possibly connected to the beginning of perimenopause 4 years ago. I’ve started taking Duloxetine on the advice of my therapist (I have been seeing her for 4 years) and a psychiatrist.
I too have told a lot of people, mainly because it’s been impossible to hide but also because masking it, for me, feeds into the anxiety. I’m 50 this year and anxiety has been a constant companion in my life but the last 3 years it’s heightened to a point where the only place I feel safe is at home and more specifically in my bed.
I have an incredibly supportive husband, son and family, plus lots of friends and I feel utterly robbed of the last 3 years of my life. I’m hoping duloxetine will help get me to a point where I can include exercise, meditation and other measures to help.
Thank you for listening, Anna x

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