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We’re working hard to protect the environment, improve mental health and reduce anxiety.
As a charity that supports those affected by anxiety, we recognise that mental health and the planet’s wellbeing are intrinsically linked, and so truly recognise the importance and urgency of addressing environmental issues and climate change. In addition to complying with environmental legislation, we are committed to minimising our organisation’s impact on the environment and are striving to implement sustainable practices wherever possible.
We’ve been working hard to implement sustainable practices across Anxiety UK. The table below highlights what we have achieved so far as well as what we are currently working on:
Environmental Policy | A new Anxiety UK environmental policy has been created which allows for regular monitoring of progress against our environmental goals, see: |
Education & Engagement | We’re soon to provide all our staff with comprehensive training on environmental and sustainability issues to equip them with information needed to better understand how we are all able to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable. |
Health & Wellbeing | Our small staff team will be taking part in a variety of volunteer days over the year to allow the team to engage with local wildlife and the community. Furthermore, our staff wellbeing lead is organising wellbeing walks for staff members to meet up and enjoy local nature and the environment. |
Energy & Emission | We’ve ensured that our electricity usage is 100% renewable, meaning that our power comes from the sun, wind and water. |
Water & Waste | A compost bin has been installed at our office for food waste which will be used for growing nectar and pollen-rich plants, fruits and vegetables. |
Transport & Travel | A green travel plan has been introduced which includes the delivery of online training vs f2f, online service delivery, staff use of public transport where practical, with all staff identifying small changes that they can make when visiting the office e.g. running/cycling to work. |
Biodiversity | Raised beds have been purchased for our office in order to grow plants, fruits and vegetables. In addition, we have purchased a greenhouse to allow our small staff team to continue to grow fruit and vegetables all year long and encourage others to get involved too. Furthermore, we’ve signed up to Ecologi - a scheme that offers simple and impactful ways to collectively reverse climate change. |
Anxiety UK is a national registered charity formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher, for those affected by anxiety and anxiety disorders.
To read more, please click here.
We do not tolerate rude, abusive, offensive, racist or sexist language. Any contact received with content deemed offensive, abusive, racist, sexist etc. will not be responded to as we operate a zero tolerance policy to abuse of any form. Legal action will be considered/taken if appropriate. For more information click here.
Download a copy of our environmental policy here.
Anxiety UK, Nunes House, 447 Chester Road, Manchester M16 9HA
See our FAQs here
Press/media enquiries: [email protected]
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