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Covid-19 vaccine support

On this page you’ll find a range of support tools you can access to help you manage/support someone with needle/injection phobia and is worried about getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

Needle phobia booklet download
Needle phobia MP3 download
Needle phobia fact sheet
Interventions for individuals with high levels of needle fear
Tips for getting the vaccine
The fear of needles: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
The applied tension technique.

Additional advice

If you’re having a vaccine, tell the person administering it that you have anxiety and let them know what would help you relax. The following suggestions may be helpful for you:

  • See if the they can talk to you to provide distraction
  • Try distracting yourself by counting, for example, bricks on the wall or tiles on the ceiling
  • Listen to music or practice mindfulness
For more information about needle and injection phobia click here