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A recent survey we undertook shows that for many people the end of lockdown can’t come soon enough, with almost 37% looking forward to returning to normal life. However, 36% of over 900 respondents said they were quite happy to stay at home and 27% had no strong feeling either way.  Therefore, the results present a very mixed picture of views regarding the return to the new ‘normal’.

Of those who were feeling anxious about the lifting of restrictions, 46% cited the pressures of socialising generally as their biggest concern, while 30% were anxious about going to a busy shopping centre and 23% using public transport.

Just over 20% were anxious about returning to work, although over 30% did not expect there to be any pressure to do so, whereas 23% felt there would be some pressure to go back to the office sooner.

Regarding the fear of missing out (FOMO), 36% said that it did not bother them, 46% said it only worried them sometimes. Less than 18% said FOMO did concern them.

Furthermore, 37% said they did not expect family and friends to put them under pressure to rush back to normal compared to 23% who felt the opposite.  Interestingly, 30% said they did not expect their employer to put them under pressure to return to normal working.

Anxiety UK CEO Nicky Lidbetter said: “This survey reveals there is a truly mixed picture when it comes to post lockdown anxiety. Whilst some are looking forward to the return to normal life and getting back out, others are anxious about post lockdown life.   It is important that people don’t put pressure on themselves to immediately adapt to the new norm and instead, gradually ease back into their usual routine at their own pace and in their own time.”



Anxiety UK offers a range of support services including online support groups and courses,1:1 therapies (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT, counselling, clinical hypnotherapy and Compassion Focused Therapy), national helpline – 03444 775 774, email, text and live chat support services and a quarterly magazine – Anxious Times.

For more details of Anxiety UK’s services visit