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Pressing Flowers

by Kate Ryan

As the weather is improving, we have a great opportunity to appreciate the outside and the natural world around us. This can have a positive impact on us both physically and mentally as we can go for walks, take photos, and perhaps even grow our own plant or two…or ten.

Pressing flowers and leaves is a great way to preserve these moments in nature and gives you the opportunity to engage creatively with the natural world. You can then use these plants in a number of crafts, decorations, and gifts.

You will need:


Step 1 Carefully collect cuttings of plants (making sure to collect responsibly).

Step 2 Line a book with paper to protect the pages and place down the plants as flat as possible.





Step 3 Weigh down the book with something heavy and place in a warm, dry place.

Incorporate your pressed plants into other projects such as drawings, add to candles, or simply frame them for a nice nature-themed gift (you could even make a botanical collection).





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