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Home New Forums General Discussion Missing the support group Reply To: Missing the support group


I joined one of the support groups Some months back and and found it interesting and helpful. It was nice to be among people who understand. Then I had a lot of problems accessing the website and when I came back the support groups had disappeared. It was very disappointing. I did enquire About this and was told that it might be reinstated but nothing more than that. It is curious why it was just stopped; I feel sorry for you folk who were regular attendees. I wonder if they just don’t have enough people to facilitate it as I read on the site there’s only six people running the whole organisation. But it seems no one has been given any information about why it was stopped.
The only other support Network that I have found on the Internet is something called chimp management forum.
A neuroscientist /psychologist Steve Peters wrote a book called the Chimp Paradox which is very interesting. The forum is free and you can share ideas and experience about mental health issues. There’s a whole lot more to it. It’s not on Zoom – you just share ideas and experience like this forum. Psychological mentors facilitate it; worth checking but it’s not focused on anxiety particularly although a lot of members do experience this and depression.

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